California Hunting Seasons 2023-2024: Rules and Regulations

From the rugged Sierra Nevada mountains to the sprawling Central Valley and the diverse coastal areas, California offers a diverse and unique hunting environment.

The state’s vast and varied ecosystems are home to a myriad of game species, attracting hunters from all over the country.

To navigate a lawful and successful hunting expedition in California, it’s vital to comprehend the state’s hunting seasons, licenses, and the relevant regulations.

This guide outlines the California hunting seasons for 2023-2024, and also touches upon key licensing and permitting details, and notable hunting rules.

California offers hunting opportunities for big game like deer, elk, and bear, and small game species like rabbit, quail, and wild turkey. With unique zones and methods for hunting, the state ensures a regulated and sustainable approach to the sport.

California Deer Seasons

Hunting MethodDates
General SeasonAug. 12-Nov. 26**
ArcheryJuly 7-Oct. 29**

California Bear Seasons

Hunting MethodDates
General SeasonConcurrent with general deer season through Dec. 31
ArcheryAug. 19-Sept. 10

California Pronghorn Seasons

Hunting MethodDates
General SeasonAug. 19-Sept. 10
Archery SeasonAug. 5-13
Apprentice HuntsAug. 19-27

California Elk Seasons

Hunting MethodDates
General SeasonSept. 6-Dec. 31
Archery SeasonJuly 29-Nov. 12
Muzzleloader SeasonSept. 9-Nov. 5
Apprentice SeasonSept. 7-Jan. 1

California Desert Bighorn Sheep Seasons

Hunting MethodDates
General SeasonAug. 19-Sept. 24** and Dec. 2-Feb. 4

California Small Game Seasons

Game TypeHunting MethodDates
Tree SquirrelArchery/FalconryAug. 5-Sept. 8
GeneralSept. 9-Jan. 28
Rabbits and Varying HareGeneralJuly 1-Jan. 28
FalconryJan. 29-March 17
JackrabbitOpen season

**Remember that in California, many of the hunting seasons vary by zone. It’s essential to consult the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website for more detailed and current information. This website will have the most up-to-date information about specific hunting zones, regulations, and other important details.

California Hunting Seasons FAQ

Q1: Where can I buy a California hunting license? A: California hunting licenses can be obtained online through the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s licensing portal. Additionally, licenses are available at CDFW offices, license agents, and retail outlets throughout the state.

Q2: How does California manage the tagging of harvested game? A: In California, certain big game animals like deer and elk require tags. Once an animal is harvested, the hunter must immediately fill out and attach the tag to the animal. This helps in tracking hunting numbers and aids in effective wildlife management.

Q3: Is there a requirement to wear fluorescent orange during hunting seasons in California? A: While California does not have a statewide requirement, wearing hunter orange is highly recommended for safety reasons, especially during rifle seasons. However, specific hunting areas may have their own rules, so it’s always essential to check local regulations.

Q4: How does California determine bag limits? A: The California Department of Fish and Wildlife sets bag limits based on extensive scientific research, wildlife population monitoring, and public input. These limits are designed to ensure a sustainable balance of wildlife species and ethical hunting practices.

Q5: Are there specific restrictions on the types of firearms and ammunition for hunting in California? A: Yes, California has specific regulations about permissible firearms and ammunition for different game species. Additionally, there are laws concerning lead ammunition in certain zones. Hunters should always consult the latest state guidelines and regulations before hunting.

Q6: What should I do if I encounter a sick or injured animal while hunting? A: If you find an animal that appears sick or injured, do not attempt to shoot or handle it. Instead, report it to the local CDFW office or regional representative. Interacting with sick or injured wildlife can be hazardous and further distress the animal.


California’s diverse landscapes offer a plethora of hunting experiences. From stalking deer in the mountainous regions to chasing wild turkeys in the woodlands, California provides opportunities for all hunting enthusiasts.

Understanding and adhering to hunting seasons, licensing requirements, and ethical guidelines is pivotal for a fruitful hunting experience.

By doing so, hunters play a significant role in conserving California’s rich biodiversity and the tradition of hunting in the Golden State.

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