SRT vs DRT Saddle Hunting: A Comprehensive Comparison

Saddle hunting is a relatively new hunting technique that has gained popularity in recent years. It involves using a specialized saddle that is attached to a tree, allowing hunters to sit or stand while hunting.

There are two main types of saddle hunting: SRT (single rope technique) and DRT (double rope technique).

SRT saddle hunting involves using a single rope to climb up and down the tree. This technique requires the use of a climbing system that is attached to the rope, allowing the hunter to ascend and descend the tree safely.

DRT saddle hunting, on the other hand, uses two ropes – one for ascending and one for descending. This technique requires the use of a foot loop or stirrup to climb the rope.

Both SRT and DRT saddle hunting have their advantages and disadvantages. SRT is considered to be safer and more efficient, as it requires less gear and is easier to set up.

However, DRT allows for more mobility and flexibility, as the hunter can easily move up and down the tree without having to constantly adjust the rope.

Ultimately, the choice between SRT and DRT saddle hunting depends on the hunter’s personal preferences and the terrain they will be hunting in.

Understanding SRT and DRT Saddle Hunting

Saddle hunting has gained popularity among hunters in recent years due to its versatility and mobility. Saddle hunting involves using a harness that allows the hunter to sit or stand on a platform suspended from a tree.

The platform is attached to the tree using ropes or straps, and the hunter can adjust the height and position of the platform as needed.

There are two main types of saddle hunting: SRT (Single Rope Technique) and DRT (Double Rope Technique). SRT involves using a single rope to ascend and descend the tree, while DRT uses two ropes.

SRT is a popular choice for hunters who prefer a minimalist approach. It involves using a single rope that is attached to the tree at the top and bottom.

The hunter ascends the rope using a friction hitch, such as a Blake’s hitch or a prusik knot. The platform is then attached to the rope using a carabiner or other attachment method.

DRT, on the other hand, involves using two ropes. One rope is used for ascending and descending the tree, while the other rope is used to support the platform.

This method provides additional stability and safety, as the platform is supported by two ropes instead of one.

Both SRT and DRT have their advantages and disadvantages. SRT is lightweight and easy to set up, making it a good option for hunters who need to move quickly and quietly.

However, it can be more difficult to ascend and descend the tree using a friction hitch, and it may not be as stable as DRT.

DRT provides additional stability and safety, making it a good option for hunters who are new to saddle hunting or who prefer a more secure setup. However, it can be more complicated to set up and requires additional equipment.

Both SRT and DRT have their strengths and weaknesses. The choice between the two depends on the hunter’s preferences, experience, and the hunting situation.

Comparison of SRT and DRT Saddle Hunting


When it comes to efficiency, both SRT and DRT saddle hunting techniques have their pros and cons. SRT is generally considered to be more efficient because it allows the hunter to climb higher and faster.

With SRT, the hunter only needs one rope to climb and descend, which saves time and effort. On the other hand, DRT requires two ropes, which can be more time-consuming and difficult to set up.


Safety is a crucial aspect of saddle hunting, and both SRT and DRT have their safety concerns. SRT is generally considered to be safer because the hunter only needs one rope to climb and descend.

This reduces the risk of entanglement and other accidents that can occur with DRT. However, SRT can be more dangerous if the hunter does not have the necessary skills and experience to use the technique properly.

DRT, on the other hand, is generally considered to be less safe because it requires two ropes. This increases the risk of entanglement and other accidents.

However, DRT can be safer if the hunter has the necessary skills and experience to use the technique properly.


Versatility is another important factor to consider when comparing SRT and DRT saddle hunting techniques.

SRT is generally considered to be less versatile because it requires a specific type of tree with a straight trunk. This can limit the hunter’s options when it comes to choosing a hunting location.

DRT, on the other hand, is generally considered to be more versatile because it can be used with a wider variety of trees. This gives the hunter more options when it comes to choosing a hunting location.

In conclusion, both SRT and DRT saddle hunting techniques have their pros and cons when it comes to efficiency, safety, and versatility.

The choice between the two techniques ultimately depends on the hunter’s skills, experience, and personal preferences.

Advantages of SRT Saddle Hunting

SRT saddle hunting has become increasingly popular among hunters due to its numerous advantages over the traditional DRT saddle hunting. Here are some benefits of SRT saddle hunting:

  • Ease of Use: SRT saddle hunting is easier to learn and use than DRT saddle hunting. It requires only one rope, which simplifies the setup process and makes it easier to climb and descend trees. This makes it an ideal choice for beginners who are just starting with saddle hunting.
  • Flexibility: SRT saddle hunting provides greater flexibility in tree selection. It allows hunters to choose trees with large branches, which can be used to create a comfortable seating position. This flexibility also allows hunters to adjust their position to get the best shot angle.
  • Comfort: SRT saddle hunting provides greater comfort than DRT saddle hunting. The saddle is designed to distribute the weight of the hunter evenly, reducing pressure points and discomfort. This makes it possible for hunters to stay in the tree for longer periods without experiencing fatigue.
  • Safety: SRT saddle hunting is safer than DRT saddle hunting. The single rope used in SRT saddle hunting is less likely to get tangled or caught on branches, reducing the risk of falls. Additionally, the saddle is designed to prevent the hunter from falling out of the tree in case of a mishap.
  • Versatility: SRT saddle hunting is more versatile than DRT saddle hunting. It can be used for a variety of hunting styles, including still hunting, spot-and-stalk hunting, and ambush hunting. This makes it an ideal choice for hunters who want to try different hunting styles.

SRT saddle hunting provides numerous advantages over DRT saddle hunting. Its ease of use, flexibility, comfort, safety, and versatility make it an ideal choice for hunters of all skill levels.

Advantages of DRT Saddle Hunting

DRT saddle hunting is becoming increasingly popular among hunters due to its numerous advantages over SRT saddle hunting. In this section, we will discuss some of the key benefits of DRT saddle hunting.

One of the most significant advantages of DRT saddle hunting is its improved mobility. DRT saddle hunting allows hunters to move quickly and quietly through the woods, making it easier to track and hunt game.

Unlike SRT saddle hunting, which requires a single rope to be anchored to a tree, DRT saddle hunting uses two ropes, which can be easily adjusted to move up or down the tree as needed.

Another advantage of DRT saddle hunting is its increased safety. With two ropes securely anchored to the tree, hunters can feel confident in their ability to move around the tree safely and without the risk of falling.

Additionally, the use of two ropes allows hunters to distribute their weight more evenly, reducing the strain on any one rope and minimizing the risk of equipment failure.

DRT saddle hunting also provides hunters with greater flexibility in choosing their hunting locations. Unlike SRT saddle hunting, which requires a straight, vertical tree trunk, DRT saddle hunting can be done on trees with a variety of shapes and angles.

This makes it easier for hunters to find the perfect spot for their hunt, regardless of the terrain or tree type.

Overall, DRT saddle hunting offers numerous advantages over SRT saddle hunting, including improved mobility, increased safety, and greater flexibility in choosing hunting locations.

As such, it is quickly becoming the preferred method of saddle hunting for many hunters across the country.

Choosing Between SRT and DRT Saddle Hunting

Saddle hunting is becoming increasingly popular among hunters. It is a method of hunting that allows hunters to be more mobile and flexible while hunting. SRT and DRT are two popular types of saddle hunting.

SRT and DRT are different in terms of how the ropes are set up. SRT uses a single rope that runs from the hunter’s saddle to the tree, while DRT uses two ropes that run from the hunter’s saddle to the tree.

One of the advantages of SRT is that it is easier to set up and requires less equipment than DRT. It is also generally considered to be safer than DRT because there is only one rope to worry about. However, SRT can be more difficult to climb with because the rope is not as stable as two ropes.

DRT, on the other hand, is more stable than SRT because it uses two ropes. This makes it easier to climb with and more comfortable for some hunters.

However, DRT requires more equipment and is generally considered to be less safe than SRT because there are two ropes to worry about.

When choosing between SRT and DRT, hunters should consider their personal preferences, experience level, and the type of hunting they will be doing.

Some hunters may prefer the simplicity and safety of SRT, while others may prefer the stability and comfort of DRT.

Overall, both SRT and DRT have their advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the individual hunter to decide which method of saddle hunting is best for them.

Easier to set up More stable
Safer Requires more equipment
Less stable Less safe
Simple Comfortable
Personal preference Personal preference


In summary, both SRT and DRT saddle hunting methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two methods ultimately depends on the hunter’s personal preferences and the hunting situation.

SRT offers greater stability and safety due to its use of a separate climbing system and safety line. However, it requires more time and effort to set up and take down, and it may not be suitable for all types of trees.

On the other hand, DRT allows for quicker and easier setup and takedown, and it can be used on a wider variety of trees.

However, it requires more skill and experience to use safely, and it may not provide the same level of stability as SRT.

It is important for hunters to carefully consider their options and choose the method that best suits their needs and abilities. Regardless of the method chosen, safety should always be the top priority.

Overall, both SRT and DRT saddle hunting methods can be effective and enjoyable ways to hunt from a tree.

By weighing the pros and cons of each method and making an informed decision, hunters can have a successful and safe hunting experience.

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